Elevating the Post-Acute and
Long Term Care Profession

Pioneer Award 2011 - Thomas E. Gault

Thomas E. Gault Pioneer awards The OHCA Pioneer Award is designed to recognize Ohioans influential in the development and advancement of long-term care programs, education, professionalism or ideals. The Awards honor the commitment of these individuals to excellence in long-term care services.


Thomas E. Gault has over 40 years experience in the field of health care. Tom’s career began in public accounting with a national CPA Firm in 1965 with a specialty in health care. Their firm became the first Medicare auditor of all State of Ohio providers and he was instrumental in developing the Medicare audit program. Tom entered long-term care in 1972. He purchased his two facilities, Harrison House and Hyde Park Villa in 1980 – the same year he entered the OHCA Board as District 1 Chairman. He is also founder/president of Trine Technic, Inc a health care management and consulting company and founder of Day Share, LTD an adult day care and home health care agency.

Tom was an active participant in and later chairman of the OHCA Payment for Services Committee. The long hours and late evenings working on the state budget, digesting the State’s numbers and crafting OHCA’s positions and testimony taught him “he, who has data, has knowledge and he, who has knowledge, has power.” Thus began Tom’s passion to seek user-friendly systems and technology to collect data in order to continuously seek improvement, defend our members and become creditable spokesmen for our profession.

As a Member of the American Health Care Association Executive Committee and Board of Directors, he served on the Payment and Quality Improvement Subcommittees and chaired the Data and Knowledge Management committees. He also served on the Ohio State University Nursing Home Advisory Board, was a Core of Knowledge instructor and an Educational leader and life member of Intercare, an international professional health care study organization. He is past president of the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators.

Tom is recognized as a pioneer in the use of information technology. He has lectured throughout the country on the topic, was a frequent beta test site, AHCA’s spokesman for its Facilitator software and testified before the Senate Aging committee. He also served as a Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) expert panelist, national telecast presenter and member of the HCFA / AHCA Perspective Payment Task Force.

A President of OHCA from 1987 – 1989, Tom was a member of the team which incorporated EFOHCA and served as a member of the EFOHCA Board as trustee from 1989 – 2002, Vice president 1993 – 1996 and President 1996 – 1997.

See Other Lifetime Achievement/Pioneer Award Winners

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners