Elevating the Post-Acute and
Long Term Care Profession

Pioneer Award 2008 - Robert M. Coury

Robert M. Coury Pioneer awards The OHCA Pioneer Award is designed to recognize Ohioans influential in the development and advancement of long-term care programs, education, professionalism or ideals. The Awards honor the commitment of these individuals to excellence in long-term care services.


Bob Coury’s contribution to long term care spanned over 35 years before his passing in 2002. In that time, he both witnessed and helped orchestrate the evolution of the profession. His vision began in 1965 when, he, along with his brothers, purchased their first nursing facility. From that time, his mission was to design cutting edge programs and services to meet the needs of the elderly, children with developmental disabilities, and their families who were in need of support and confidence that compassionate services would be provided to those entrusted in his care.

In 1975, Bob established the first Pediatric unit within a nursing home setting. This unit served 60 children and adolescents with developmental disabilities ranging from those with mental retardation to those in need of life support and rehabilitation. This legacy lives on today as children with special needs are being served in ICF/MR settings throughout the state.

In the mid 1970s, identifying the community’s need for services on a more independent level, Bob and his brothers developed the first Assisted Living center in this part of the country. He would watch and assist on a state-wide level as this facility became part of a new healthcare delivery system available to today’s seniors.

Always studying the healthcare continuum, in 1985 Bob opened the first and largest subacute ventilator program in the state. Beginning with 20 beds, he successfully convinced state officials that quality care and services could be provided for these individuals in a more cost-efficient, home-like setting than the hospital. He effectively developed case management programs to assist hospitals in identifying and placing individuals whose subacute needs could be met within this setting.

As a long time member of the OHCA Board of Directors, Chairman of the Northeast Ohio Healthcare Association, and Chairman of the National Subacute and Post Acute Care Association, Bob was a leader in lobbying for legislation to assist seniors and children with disaiblites, their families, and providers of services. He recognized the need to aggressively advocate for those who needed a voice, and understood that an association could have great influence in shaping the landscape of the profession.

The underlying belief in all of his actions was in providing compassionate, innovative, healthcare for those in need. He also firmly believed in ongoing education for everyone working in long-term care. He gave this philosophy significance by financially supporting and encouraging the education of numerous people over the years. He also created the Francine M. Coury scholarship fund through the EFOHCA to ensure this legacy would continue.

The family of Robert M. Coury is committed to continue his legacy by working together to ensure the continued enrichment of long term care services throughout the state.

See Other Lifetime Achievement/Pioneer Award Winners

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners