Elevating the Post-Acute and
Long Term Care Profession

Pioneer Award 2009 - James A. Seelenbinder

James A. Seelenbinder Pioneer awards The OHCA Pioneer Award is designed to recognize Ohioans influential in the development and advancement of long-term care programs, education, professionalism or ideals. The Awards honor the commitment of these individuals to excellence in long-term care services.

James A. Seelenbinder

Jim Seelenbinder has been involved in the financial aspects of long-term care since 1967, when he worked as comptroller for a holding company that included oversight of Care Centers, Inc. In 1973, Jim joined Care Centers, a company with nearly 2000 beds, as Vice President/CFO and Treasurer. He participated in the sale of the company to Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America (HCR) in 1982, when he joined HCR as Vice President of Reimbursement. During this time Jim was responsible for managing cost reports, rate reviews and appeals, as well as reviewing acquisitions. He also pursued the improvement of the states’ reimbursement programs, working with federal and state representatives and agencies.

From 1989 to 1993, Jim was President of his own company which provided consulting on Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement and cost reporting to nursing facilities, pharmacies, third party billing companies and hospitals. In 1993 Jim served Deaconess Long-term Care as Director of Reimbursement and Financial Operations and was involved in expanding the company from one facility to 25.

In 2000 Jim joined Garden Manor and Tri-County Extended Care Centers, in charge of all accounting and Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for 1,499 skilled nursing beds. In addition, he is now Vice President of Finance of R & B Health Care Systems, which includes two independent and assisted living rentals totaling 243 apartments.

In the late 70s, Jim was instrumental in helping recast the state’s Medicaid reimbursement system, culminating in the passage of H.B. 176, which was largely responsible for the continued growth and quality improvement in Ohio’s long-term care system. He was again involved in the Reimbursement Study Committee in 1991 – 1992, leading to the massive system changes adopted by the state in 1993.

Jim has been involved in the Ohio Health Care Association since the early 1970s, and has served on the Finance and Payment for Services Committees, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees. He has participated as a member of the Ohio Medicaid Long-Term Care Reimbursement Study Committee and Work Group, and received the OHCA President’s Award in 1979 and 1992.

See Other Lifetime Achievement/Pioneer Award Winners 

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners