Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy
Perhaps the most important service that OHCA performs for its members is advocacy with the Ohio General Assembly and Congress, Ohio and federal administrative agencies, and others in quasi-governmental positions such as managed care plans. OHCA is Ohio's largest organization representing long-term services and supports providers. It is our membership that gives us the strength to advocate effectively with a broad range of individuals and entities that have the power to affect our members' businesses.
As governmentally regulated and funded providers, OHCA members are constantly affected by legislative and administrative actions. OHCA has an experienced government relations team with solid access to Ohio officials. OHCA members cultivate relationships with state and federal office-holders and fund our political activity through the OHCA Political Action Committee (PAC) and direct efforts. OHCA also engages in substantial issue advocacy using a dedicated portion of member dues. At the federal level, the bulk of the advocacy work is done by our national affiliates, with the support of OHCA and our members.
Contribute to OHCA PAC
State of Ohio
Ohio General Assembly
Ohio House Directory
Ohio Senate Directory
Ohio Channel
Ohio Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Ohio Senators in Congress
Write Your Representative in Congress
AHCA Legislative Action Center
ANCOR Legislative Action Center
The Alliance Legislative Action Center