The 2025 Annual ConventionContinuing Education Credits (CEs)
Three ways to Earn CEs
The Association Convention submits all sessions for consideration approval from each of the following accrediting organizations. In some instances, some organizations accept only certain classes and do not approve all hours as requested.
Traditional Classroom Sessions:
Sessions are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the event. Each session offers CE credit.
Sessions are identified with a “M#” for Monday, “T#” for Tuesday, “W#” for Wednesday and “R#” for Thursday.
Schedule of sessions and the room they will be held in is available on the app or on the wall schedule across from registration.
Product Theater Demonstrations:
Located in the back of the exhibit hall, visit the product theater to learn from select vendors about a new product or service. These sessions offer 0.5 CE.
Sessions will be identified with “P” in the session number.
PT# – Product Theater Tuesday PW# – Product Theater Wednesday
Schedule of sessions available on the app.
Scan In & Scan Out!!!
If you are interested in receiving CEs at the convention, you need to scan in AND out of each thing that you attend. The scanner creates a date and time record of your arrival and departure of each session. Therefore it is very important you arrive on time and attend the entire session to get your credits. Any late arrival and early departure will reduce any credit you could receive. If you are interested in receiving CEs, you need to scan in AND out of each session that you attend. OHCA is required to verify credit eligibility based on the attendance data collected onsite and successful completion of the session and overall convention evaluation. To obtain credit, you must be present for the full duration of a session, including any Q&A. Partial credit cannot be awarded.
Scanners will be located near each offering. Your name badge will have a bar code on it that you will scan.
How does it work? It’s Simple - Scan the bar code, Your Name will Appear, You will hear a Beep, That’s it. Be sure to scan in and out!
Badge Scanning Policy: Anyone found scanning another individual's badge may be asked to leave the convention and forfeit any credits for both themselves and the other person(s) whose badge was scanned. This policy is in place to ensure fairness and the accurate tracking of attendance for CE credit and required by accrediting organizations.
What’s Approved:
The Association Convention submits all sessions for consideration approval from the following accrediting organizations. Some organizations sometimes accept only certain classes and do not approve all hours as requested.
How to calculate CEs: CE totals are based upon the length of the session; for example, a 60-minute session offers 1.0 CE, a 90-minute session = 1.5 CE, etc.
Credit applications have been submitted for the following groups:
Accountants: The Ohio Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing education credit by the Accountancy Board of Ohio. All sessions are available for this credit. (Approval #: CPE.138).
Attorneys: Attorneys must provide their license # when registering to obtain CLE credit. This course will be submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education.
Certified Executives for Assisted Living (CEAL®): This program has been approved for continuing education credit for CEAL®s. The following sessions are available for credit: M500, M501, M503, T600, T602, T603, T604, T608, T609, T611, T615, T617, T618, T619, T620, T621, T622, T625, T626, T627, T631, T636, T638, T639, T640, T642, W700, W702, W706, W711, W712, W714, W715, W716, W717, W718, W721, W724, W727, W729, W730, W737, W742, W747, R800, R802, R803, R806, R807, R808, R809, R810, R811
Certified Executives for Home Care & Hospice (CEHCH®):This program has been approved for continuing education credit for CEHCH®s. The following sessions are available for credit: M500, M501, M503, T600, T602, T603, T608, T611, T614, T615, T617, T618, T619, T621, T622, T627, T639, T640, HCH1, W700, W702, W703, W706, W707, W712, W714, W716, W718, W721, W724, W727, W730, W731, W736, W737, W744, W747, W748, R800, R803, R806, R807, R808, R809, R810, R811.
Human Resources: OHCA is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. This program will be submitted for PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit
Nurses: Nurses, please note that any continuing education approved by BELTSS (or any other accredited body) can be accepted by the Ohio Board of Nursing in the State of Ohio. Nurses may use this continuing education to meet their licensure requirements. Please refer to OBN continuing education rules 4723-14-01 thru 4723-14-19.
Ohio Administrators: The Ohio Health Care Association is an approved provider of continuing education credit by the Ohio Board of Executives of Long-Term Care Services and Supports (BELTSS). Ohio NHAs may earn up to 22.5 CEs. All sessions at the event are available for Ohio BELTSS credit for NHAs with Ohio licenses. Ethics credit will be available by attending M501, M503, T626, W728, and R806. Please refer to the Out of State Administrator information below if you have a license in another state (in addition to Ohio).
Out-of-State Administrators:This educational offering has been submitted to the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) for hours. Administrators with licenses in states other than Ohio must provide their NAB CE Registry # when registering to obtain NAB/NCERS credit. BELTSS credit will apply to Ohio administrators see details above.
Social Workers: This workshop will be submitted to the NASW Ohio Chapter for CEUs in Ohio. NASW is recognized as a Continuing Education Approver for social work CEUs by the OCSWMFT Board.